Comments to press on March for Democracy:
‘Remember Burma Road’

Patrick L. Davis
August 2nd 2007      12:00 noon
March for Democracy in from of Government Complex
Freeport, Grand Bahama

This is an important time in our history. Especially in a few days when we celebrate Emancipation Day. A time when people of color in this country were no longer taken as physical slaves.  In many ways a lot has changed but in many ways things have stayed the same. When we reflect on how far we have come as a people we cannot help thinking how far back this government is taking us.  The decisions taken by this new Prime Minister and his government since coming to office on May 2nd, leads us to believe that we have come full circle when we consider our social, economic and political emancipation.
40 years since majority rule and 65 years since “Burma Road” we are right back where we started.  Maybe it is time to go back “Down Burma Road”.
Martin Luther king wrote in 1963 at the height of the civil rights struggle said: “the inseparable twin of racial injustice is economic injustice”. And so it is today!
From 1943 to 1967 and now to 2007 - we have come full circle.  From Burma Road to Majority Rule to the rebirth of the Minority Party – we have come full circle.  From the time we took to the streets to the time we took control of our country to the time we gave it back – we have come full circle.
When we hear that a 72 year old Bahamian woman who no doubt burdened the struggles that gave birth to our nation afraid to come in public and speak up  - it is a threat to our democracy.
When a qualified black Bahamian man is stripped of a lucrative construction contract simply because he is a PLP -  it is a threat to our democracy.
When another qualified black Bahamian male principal on one of our family islands is unceremoniously removed even after presiding over the extraordinary rebirth of one of our government schools – when he is suddenly demoted and shipped off to a remote family island simply because he was promoted during the reign of a PLP Education minister and a PLP Director of education - that is a threat to our democracy.
When we allow the two leading newspapers to merge and to own 4 radio stations in such a small economy and monopolizing the media - it is a threat to our democracy.
When we cancel the leases for Bahamian restaurants at LOP International Airport and say to them that they will only be permitted to get new leases if they have a foreign franchise (such as a DD or Taco Bell) – that is a slap in our face and a threat to our democracy.
When hundreds of PLP supporters are being purged from our Civil Service and removed from their jobs, not hired or employment contacts cancelled in a vile and vindictive attempt to purge MY government of PLPs - that is a threat to our democracy.
What is most unsettling about this Prime Minister and this new administration’s actions, more than their sinister attempt to rewrite the history of my people, more than the manner in which they have stripped ordinary Bahamians of their ability to provide for themselves and their families – what is most unsettling is the fact that these acts are being perpetrated on us by our own people.  The same people who benefited from the struggles of my forefathers, the same people who themselves have the blood of my ancestors flowing through their veins.  These are the same ones who now seek to destroy us and our way of life:  “da more tings change da more dey stay da same!”
And so we want to remind this Prime Minister, whether he wants to believe it or not, that he has the blood of our ancestors flowing through his veins just like the rest of us. He therefore has a moral and legal obligation to act on behalf and in the best interest of ALL Bahamians.
We are calling on him to exercise a little more tolerance, more patience and a little more wisdom.  Try to be less impetuous.  And remember, Trust cannot be demanded – it has to be earned!
We want to remind him that this Bahamas and all of its bounties are meant to be shared by all citizens – this country belongs to all of us  - not just the LIGHT, not just the BRIGHT and not just those with the MIGHT!
We will come back out here to demonstrate as long as people are afraid and have to cover their heads for fear of being victimized.  And if we have to go back down Burma Road – then we will!