APRIL 20, 2006


We have assembled today at the Archdeacon William E. Thompson Computer and Tutorial Center to officially launch another phase of the Bain and Grants Town Urban Renewal Project.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bain and Grants Town Urban Renewal Project is fast becoming the prototype for what urban renewal is all about. In almost four years since the inception of Urban Renewal Project, we have seen the participation of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, Senior Citizens of Bain and Grants Town, and the Youth of Bain and Grants Town.  Now the Anglican Diocese, via St. Agnes Parish has gotten involved by partnering through the introduction of computer classes at The Archdeacon William E. Thompson Computer and Tutorial Center.

Urban Renewal has turned out to be exactly what the PLP Government envisioned--a partnership of each social entity in the Bain and Grants Town Constituency. Certainly there has been a change for the better in how Bain and Grants Town Constituents relate to each other. Certainly there has been a change for the better in how Bain and Grants Town Constituents care for their physical environment.  And certainly there has been a change for the better in how Bain and Grants Town Constituents view authority figures, such as the Police.

Today, more than before, the Police are considered friends of the residents of Bain and Grants Town. I would wish to take this opportunity to commend the Commissioner of Police for his strong support and in particular   Asst. Superintendent of Police Bowe and her staff in the continued efforts to coordinate the effective and smooth running of the Bain and Grants Town Urban Renewal Project. Likewise, I also commend Inspector Craig Gaitor and Constable 1206 Burrows, the Officers in Charge of The Bain and Grants Town Number One Marching Band. Your work has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. All of these things for the better can be attributed to the true application of the Urban Renewal Programme in Bain and Grants Town.

Prime Minister, I received word via e-mail late last evening that a young man, a member of the Farm Road Marching Band, has been offered a partial scholarship to Morehouse College.  Needless to say, his mother and father are extremely proud and happy.

And today, Bain and Grants Town moves one-step further in urban renewal programme with the official launch of The Archdeacon William E. Thompson Computer and Tutorial Center to the project.

Though this Center had a soft opening in December of 2004, I note that there have been many classes since that date to the benefit of Senior Citizens, adults, teens and young children. In fact I am advised that a semester of classes just recently ended on April 7, 2006, having begun on January 19. 2006. The program for that semester was named, ‘Operation Advance’ with the objective being to educate over 480 persons throughout the Bain and Grants Town Constituency in computer literacy and skills.

Worthy of commendation, for the smooth administration of computer classes at the Archdeacon Thompson Center are instructors, Mr. Giovanni Ferguson, Mr. Carlon Johnson, Dr. Valron Grimes, Mr. Olu Tinubu, Mr. Tamiko Collie and Ms. Debbie Abangutten. All of you wonderful men and women are to be warmly commended and will forever be blessed for your efforts to help your fellowman.

Reading and writing skills have always been and still is a necessary part of ones personal advancement. Typing skills have also been a necessary plank of professional advancement. And for sometime now, computer skills have become a necessary plank for personal and professional advancement.

In today’s world where time is of the essence and easy access to information is a welcomed norm, computer use and skills are of the utmost importance for students and businesspersons. Whether one is an employer or employee, computer skills are a welcomed asset. Of course for some students or professional persons, personal computer access may not yet be affordable though necessary. It is because of this reality that we should all rejoice at St. Agnes Parish’s grace in providing a computer laboratory, not only for those who need computer access, but for those who may least be able to afford it.

So today we publicly commend and thank His Grace Archbishop Gomez, and the members of the St. Agnes Parish for its abounding grace in providing the residents of Bain and Grants Town Constituency with the ability to access the world, improve their capacity to think, to educate themselves and to produce decent and orderly material. There is no greater testimony of what urban renewal is all about, than to have all of the residents in the community participating in the advancement of the people who live among them.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is virtually now subject or issue that one cannot access via the computer.  Much of it is positive, but we should also be aware of the negative which exists and could impact the unsuspecting young persons.  The costs of computers continue to fall which is allowing more households in the constituency to be able to purchase and have access to the World-Wide-Web.  Communication is therefore enhanced between residents of the constituency and their Member of Parliament.  It makes life easier for all concerned.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is also no greater testimony of what your PLP Government is all about.  For today we have in our midst the visionary giant of what is now known today as The Bahamas Urban Renewal Programme. Having said this, it is now my pleasure to invite the creator and visionary of Urban Renewal Programme in the Bahamas, The Rt. Honorable Prime Minister, and Perry Gladstone Christie to give the keynote address.  However, before doing, I wish to present to the Prime Minister his own personal laptop computer, loaded with all the bells and whistles which will allow him wireless access of the internet anywhere in the world where GSM telephone service is available.  This presentation is being done for and on behalf of grass root Bahamians in the inner city, and throughout the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, with much love and thankfulness to their political champion.

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