Press Release
Alex Storr,
Deputy Chairman,
Progressive Liberal Party
October 26, 2009

I listened in a state of bewilderment at the recent comments attributed to the FNM in their feeble attempt to level criticism at our recently concluded National General Convention.  One would think those who wrote their press release suffered a text book “Freudian Slip” as the FNM could just as easily have been speaking about their very own Leader and Party.  As a young man under the age of forty, I have seen first hand the confidence our Leader, the Hon. Perry G. Christie has in the youth of the PLP.

I have been elected unopposed as the Deputy Chairman of the party along with a cadre of young persons who were elected to other leadership positions.  Mr Aarone Sargent, at 22 years old, is the youngest person ever elected to serve on the Leadership Council of our party. Mr. Christie, Mr. Philip “Brave” Davis, and Mr. Bradley Roberts have all pledged to work hand in hand with the younger members of our party to ensure a smooth transition of leadership to the next generation of PLPs.

This is the direct opposite of the FNM who set the so called future of their party, in the personage of Mr. Tommy Turnquest and Dion Foulkes, into the leadership of their party to fight a General Election that they had no hopes of winning.  After valiantly serving in their positions of Leader and Deputy Leader during the FNM’s tenure in Opposition, Mr. Ingraham returned to pull the rug out from under Mr. Turnquest after giving him his word that he would remain retired.  That is how the FNM looks after their young.

I take this opportunity to invite Mr. Turnquest, Mr. Foulkes, and all those young persons who are about to have their hopes dashed at the upcoming FNM convention to consider joining the PLP where there are true opportunities for the young and ambitious to flourish.  We have a big and wide open tent where all are welcomed.

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