Christie On The Bank Of The Bahamas
cialis sales mind times;”>Darren B Cash whose wife was fired from the Bank of the Bahamas, buy cialis try shortly before he was fired as the FNM Chairman, mind was positively salivating as he told The Tribune that the Managing Director Paul McWeeney should not be allowed to work out the six month notice that he has given the Bank of The Bahamas that he is leaving its management. Mr. Cash wants him to go now. This is all part of the FNM’s strategy to talk the bank into bankruptcy and blame the PLP for doing it, when they are the ones who gave the bad loans to customers. Interesting crew. He should stay out of it, since he as an axe to grind. The matter became public during the Steve McKinney interview when the Prime Minister Perry Christie said on Monday 5th January that Mr
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. McWeeney had given notice under his contract that he was leaving the Bank.