The future is always better than the past and the present. That should be axiomatic IN the lives of most people. That certainly should be the creed of the PLP. Trounced in 2017 by a dishonest set of crooks in the FNM. The Leader of the PLP Philip Davis against all odds managed to defeat Hubert Minnis and his Band of merry men. Now the PLP is in power but the PLP does not seem satisfied with itself. Every day there is some complaint and crabbiness and in some senses a desperation among supporters that one does not quite understand. Clearly, the PLP is in a better position to help its people than they were last year. Clearly it takes time to get things done but there seems to be a surly angriness that six months is long enough to get every promise made in the 4 year campaign done. There needs to be a reality check. Life is for the long term. Power is better than being out of power. Change will come. The future is always better than the past.