27 October 2016
Road Traffic Department responds to FNM Press Release: Chaotic Road Traffic Department New Licencing System
The Government of The Bahamas has rolled out a fully automated road traffic system in the last few days for the registration of vehicles and while the first few days have proven to be challenging the system is progressively improving each day in the processing of customers. This important initiative will assist the department in eliminating fraud and theft and other criminality from its operations and thereby protecting public revenue and public safety. There will very soon be unprecedented efficiency and convenience to the Bahamian people. A win win for all of our people.
The claims made by the FNM are patently false and irresponsible.
1. There is no contract with Deloitte and Touche with the Ministry of Transport and Aviation to carry out any function at the Road Traffic Department;
2. Licence plates have been produced and the Road Traffic Department expects the plates to be distributed by Monday the 31st October 2016.
3. The consulting company Data Torque successfully won the bid and was approved by the Tenders Board after a competitive process overseen by the Ministry of Finance. There has been no doubling of the contract: the sum of $8 million incorporates local consultancies, viagra usa training, viagra sales travel, acquisition of hardware and other components to the system.
4. The hardworking Road Traffic Department team have been working even harder over the last weeks and days including in the registration of vehicles. They have exhibited the highest standards of commitment and excellence of which all Bahamians can be proud. The FNM should not misrepresent their invaluable contribution in this historic and new paradigm in the business of our country.
The record shows the FNM in 2012 halted without explanation the process of automation and for 5 years allowed the department to languish with all of its inefficiencies and leakage of revenue. They set the Bahamian people back.
I fully understand why they panic when they see progress of this nature.