The Bobbsey Twits, Misleader and Deputy Misleader of the Coalition of Idiots, Lincoln Bain and Maria Daxon
The Coalition of Idiots (COI) have outdone themselves this time. Their stupid Deputy Leader Maria Daxon went and published the nastiest of notes about Obie Wilchombe, the late minister and The Tribune put the note and all its nastiness in the press. These are the times in which we live. True to form liar and nasty woman that she is, she denied that she was the author of it but simply posted it without reading it.
That is no excuse. Any halfwit lawyer knows that the person who publishes the libel is just as guilty as the author. The dummy also knows however that you cannot in the law of The Bahamas libel a dead man. So effectively, she can print any nastiness about anyone who is deceased and there is no form of redress.
She should know better and The Tribune should know better. But anything to sell newspapers.
In every public life, there are difficulties which may ensue between a man and his constituents, family, friends and enemies. The point of the nastiness when the man is dead and cannot defend himself . It just seems that there is something slightly indecent about it.
Ms. Daxon is right in one thing She said while she didn’t write it, this is a free country and people are free to express their opinions. Touche. That is why we hope when we call her a jackass and a dim wit, she will defend our right to say that too. Silly twit.
Not to be outdone, the leader of the Coalition of Idiots ( COI) , what’s his name Bain, apologised to the family for the nastiness. Well yeah right, as if saying “oops sorry”, makes everything okay. This is typical of the FNM and their allies. You put nastiness out there then you say, sorry we didn’t really mean it that way.
For our part, we express our condolences to the family of Mr. Wilchombe and say may he rest in peace.
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