Preachers Concerned About Pastor Myles’ State Recognised Funeral
cialis generic cialis times;”>The Government of The Bahamas has announced that there will be a state recognized funeral for the late Rev
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. Myles Munroe. It appears that this was a request made by the people of the Bahamas Faith Mission (BFM) congregation of the late Pastor Myles to which the government felt constrained to accede. Pastor Myles brought The Bahamas into the international spotlight and was revered and lauded around the world during his life time and at his death. The state recognized funeral is a departure from the norm, buy viagra in that state funerals are for officers of the state and he was not that. He held no government position. The closest this comes to is when the Royal household in the United Kingdom decided in the face of popular opinion that the rules would be broken to provide some sort of official, Royal recognition for the late Diana, Princess of Wales. The government here felt that in the face of popular opinion that this was the best compromise it could make in a world where politics and power rule the day. There were some other prominent Bahamian pastors though who questioned the position saying that in his lifetime Pastor Myles opposed the policies of the now administration and that this now sets a precedent for others when they die. They are right of course but in this country we live by the rule: we will cross that bridge when we come to it. The funeral will take place on 4th December at Bahamas Faith Mission and it will be preceded by a memorial service in the national stadium.