Senate Select Committee On Food Distribution In Andros In The Pandemic
Senators Fred Mitchell, Michael Darville, JoBeth Coleby Davis, Clay Sweeting at the Senate for the laying of the Budget Bills and giving notice that the PLP will move for a select committee request. 27 May 2021
Following upon credible reports of political discrimination against PLP residents in North Andros and reports in other islands of political victimization in the distribution of food by the Government during the two week FNM imposed lockdown, the PLP gave notice it will move at the next meeting of the Senate a request for a Select Committee to investigate the distribution of government assistance in the locked down islands.
We are concerned also about the nutritional adequacy of the food and supplies being offered.
The Committee if granted will have the power to send for persons and papers, leave to sit from place to place and leave to sit during the recess