Visiting The Junkanoo Carnival Factory In Freeport
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viagra generic times;”>Economic opportunities of Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival for Grand Bahama
Freeport, The Bahamas – The Bahamas Weekly’s news team attended a press conference on March 20th at the Grand Bahama Cultural Carnival Committee headquarters in Freeport, where with Minister for Grand Bahama Dr. Michael Darville and Minster of Foreign Affairs, Fred Mitchell provided information on the progress being made building up to the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival launch to be held on the island April 17th and 18th.
Also present at the conference was the Hon
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. Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Bahamas National Festival Commission consultant Ginger Moxey had days earlier discussed the economic opportunities and benefits of the event for Grand Bahama Island.
Changes At Port Lucaya: does this mean he really has the money he says he had?
The new owner of Port Lucaya, recently sold by the Grand Bahama Port Authority, to a company headed by an Englishman named Peter Hunt is being transformed. Interesting always how these folk come to The Bahamas saying that they have all this money and expansion plans for the facility but it appears that they may not have what they said they have. Instead of announcing expansion plans, the first thing that has been done is to cut back. Parking has been eliminated. Signs have been put up banning children from coming there. The musicians are no longer on the payroll. Notices have gone out to tenants to pay up or be evicted. That ought to inspire confidence in the operation and the future of a vibrant Grad Bahama.