Deep Water Cay Resort Closes… Will Port Lucaya Do The Same?

The Deep Water Cay Resort that was the engine of the economy of East Grand Bahama has announced that they will take the insurance money and run. This follows the usual pattern in the last decade in Grand Bahama. The Princess Property was damaged by hurricane. The owners collected the insurance money and left the building abandoned in the city centre. Hutchinson Whampoa did the same thing after Hurricane Matthew in Grand Bahama with the Grand Lucayan Hotel. They were a little smarter. They got the Government to buy the hotel of them. They got an inflated price and they got the insurance money. They made out like banditos. Now Deep Water Cay. They were nice about it. You know their employees were great and they tried to look out for them but bottom line is they have no jobs. Next up is the Port Lucaya Market Place. You know that we reported here last week how Peter Hunt was pissed that the Government was pushing him to open his facility. Well let’s keep an eye out. Is this another example where the the owner will collect the insurance money and run for the hills?