Even Robert Myers, the tax cheat and President of the fake and phony Organization for Responsible Governance, had to admit that he is ready to throw his hands up in the air. His political friends that he helped to elect with the phony campaign they ran in 2017 are unable to deliver on his pet project that of the ease of doing business. And we knew they couldn’t. Since they have been in office, the FNM has seen the record on corruption worsen, and now the facts on ease of doing business have come out, there has been no improvement there either. Mr. Myers was in the press last week, telling Tribune Business on Tuesday 29th October 2019 that he didn’t know how much of this he could take. He said there had been no improvement in the ease of doing business. We have lots of suggestions but what’s the use in seeking to help this arrogant, hopeless and hapless government. Peter Turnquest, the Finance Minister, who lives in a bubble where life is sweet, immediately came to the government’s defence. It was all a misunderstanding he argued. The facts are stubborn though. Try registering a conveyance in this country. It will drive you absolutely crazy. Try opening a bank account. That will drive you mad. Try renewing your driver’s license. Oh boy!