Henfield Another Obsequious FNM Cabinet Minister

Last week the Minister for Transport and then Acting Prime Minister Renward Wells was kissing the hand of the Prime Minister as he departed for the United States. Mr. Wells must have bene embarrassed by the push back of this fawning photo of him at the airport. He announced to the country that with regard to Dr. Minnis that he (Mr. Wells) would go wherever the Prime Minister went. No doubt that means he would follow him to take a leak and help him out if necessary. Not to be out done this week the Nassau Guardian showed a photo of the Prime Minister visiting his wife at the office that they have set up, rather grandly titled “Office of The Spouse”. The photo of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Darren Henfield almost jumping out of his pants for joy as if daddy had just come home from work was priceless. These folks are shameless sycophants.