For some reason the wicked vixen Candia Dames did not write the usual tendentious anti PLP drivel last week. Instead the column was turned over to Juan McCartney, the talk show host. He of the various tirades and anti PLP rants, has suddenly (can you believe it) seemed the very picture of reason when compared with the wicked vixen. We mention him in particular to distinguish our own passions about the unethical actions of Ms. Dames and our respect for journalism that even though you don’t agree with every thought, you can say “well that’s fair comment”. Such was the piece written on Wednesday 6th March 2019 under the headline: Get To Work. When you read it, there is much to disagree with but it is a piece that gives the truth about the state of politics and the PLP, it is the PLP’s for the losing. The FNM is in deep trouble. Unfortunately, the management at the Nassau Guardian chooses to ignore it and they do so because the FNM helps to line their pockets. The wicked vixen just has a bind hatred. So, if you have a chance go and read the piece by Mr. McCartney. It shows you a clear difference in our minds between fair comment and propagandistic biased drivel. Let’s hope we see more of that and less of Ms. Dames and her kind.