The press reported on 8 October 2019 in The Tribune that the week before while the Prime Minister Hubert Minnis was walking through the Sand Bank settlement in Treasure Cay, Abaco, the Prime Minister flanked by police and defence force officers kicked down the door of one of the houses in the shanty town in that area. The President of the Christian Council Delton Fernander on 8th October 2019 told The Tribune that this was not the job of the Prime Minister and not the thing to do. He can say that again. The President made all the points: the police, immigration, customs, defence force have a job to do. They know how to do their job. They do not, nor does the country need the Prime Minister to be involved in these crude gestures for the cameras. On 9th October 2019, the day after that report, Mr. Minnis was again at his crude best. This time he confirmed that he had insulted the Leader of the Opposition. The question was why he had not involved the Leader of the Opposition in the discussions about the hurricane relief effort. He told the House of Assembly that if the cameras were turned off, he could say what he said about the Leader of the Opposition. We report exclusively here that he told one of the PLP MPs “ Fuck Brave”. In the House he accused the Leader of the Opposition of going into Pinewood just after the storm in a yellow raincoat. He said that was politicizing the storm. Have you ever seen a raincoat other than a yellow colour. This fellow Dr. Minnis is something else. Petty.