Statement from the Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party
On Voice Note Said To Be From A Member of the Board of The Water and Sewerage Corporation
For Immediate Release
14 July 2019
There is a voice note being circulated on social media. The individual identifies himself as Bennet Minnis. He says he is a cousin of the late former Governor General Sir Henry Taylor.
If he is who he says he is, he must submit his resignation forthwith from the Board of the Water and Sewerage Corporation or be removed therefrom. The note reveals a man with a filthy mouth and a nasty mind. That’s all fine if he is not a public official. Since he is, he must learn to control his filthy mouth before someone washes it out with soap and water for him.
The FNM must whether they agree that Black people are monkeys as described in the voice note. That comment is racist and cannot be defended.
The notes will be provided to the Minister for Works and he must say whether or not it is appropriate for this public official to continue in office, given this abusive language.