The Phony Environmental Group Save The Bays

On Affidavit on Transfer of E Mails From Save The
For Immediate Release
27 February 2018
The press printed today the contents of an affidavit making accusations about
the Leader of the Opposition and certain emails supposedly belonging to the
phony environmental group Save The Bays. The contents of the affidavit are on
the face of it scandalous and vexatious and an abuse of the processes of the court.
The use of the affidavit as the truth of its content cannot be sustained and
must be challenged. The information contained therein is untested hearsay
evidence and should be struck out. It should never have been allowed in the
public domain.
Further, The Leader denies it absolutely and completely. He says it is false.
The Leader of the PLP points out that a Judge of the Supreme Court made a
determination with this same Save The Bays that the emails were obtained as a
result of hacking. Now they come and say someone who was apparently their
employee and therefore presumably with the right to have them gave the emails
to someone else.
This supports the PLP’s view that Save The Bays is not now and never was a
credible organization.