The PLP Responds To The Auditor General On Sports Authority

Statement from the PLP Chairman
Response to the FNM on The NSA Report
For Immediate Release
5 April 2019
So here we go again, the Chairman of the FNM is playing team tag with the Auditor General of The Bahamas.
The PLP has had sufficient experience with Auditor General Reports of the PLP’s time in Government commissioned by the FNM and to know that all is never what it seems.
The public should not hold their breaths to find the truth on these matters from the FNM. The PLP does not control the files.
What we know is that this is the same FNM Government that cancelled the opportunity of a life time for The Bahamas to host the IAAF relays as our signature track and field event. Like the entire FNM, the FNM Chairman is visionless and hopelessly out of touch with modern realities.
We simply say in response to the audit that an audit can only speak to what the auditor found on the day he showed up.
The PLP knows from other examples of this auditor’s work that the evidence to support the expenditure was probably right there in plain sight but either was not revealed or some reason went south on the day the audits took place.
The Government of the day the FNM must say what happened to the records. They are masters of convenient amnesia and lost files. Just remember the Oban missing file.
We are simply disgusted that the FNM having been handed a full sports programme, with a well known international firm at the table hired to ensure that The Bahamas could compete in purchasing equipment and in maintenance of and upgrade of our facilities, the FNM has now flubbed it. Instead of supporting the sports culture that the PLP had a vision for, we are stuck in old FNM history of “Stop! Review! Cancel!” with using a tendentious Auditor General’s report to fudge the issues.
Carl Culmer and the FNM should go sit down and find something productive to do. They must begin to govern and stop digging around in the garbage can.