The FNMs patched up, botched up case against Shane Gibson, the former Minister of the Government, is winding to its end. K. D. Knight QC, the former Jamaican Foreign Minister, gave the compelling case for why the Judge should stop the case because of his “no case submissions” made on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. It isn’t clear whether the Judge will actually listen to the arguments. She ordered the jury back each day as if the arguments would not take much time to consider and the case would go to the jury. In truth they shouldn’t be delayed but that is not for the reason that we think of her deliberations but to be directed to bring in a not guilty verdict. In any event, it looks like the case is to end on Monday or Tuesday of this week. We will see if justice prevails. This whole matter has been a travesty with the main witness Jonathan Ash being caught in lie after lie and the police witness admitting that she tampered with the evidence . What do you think the Judge really has to consider in the face of that?