Yet again, the Speaker of the House of Assembly Halson Moultrie has made himself look like a very zealous fool. For some reason, this fellow is so hypersensitive about criticism. He had to face early in his a term vote of no confidence from the Opposition because of his conduct as Speaker. He made an unseemly set of attacks on the MP for Englerston Glenys Hanna Martin. He had her expelled from the House. He then attacked the wife of the Leader of the Opposition. He then called the PLP’s Leader in the Senate a sexual pervert. This from his Chair in the Assembly. He promised he would do better but instead he has gotten worse. Last week, he threatened the Leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Leader of the PLP and Frederick McAlpine, FNM dissident MP, with sanctions because he clamed that they were making adverse suggestions about his conduct as speaker, to wit they indicated from their seats that he was being directed by MPs from the FNM. The old people say what a “touchus” fellow. He makes himself look foolish. We wonder when he is done with the job as speaker which he will lose at the end of this term, how is he going to survive in The Bahamas.