There was nothing unusual about Wednesday afternoon last 14 April 2021. There was a clear blue sky. Six people charged for offences were at the Wulff Road police station in Nassau. They were released by the police because someone confessed to the crime. Ten minutes later as they were being ferried to God knows where, presumably home, their lives were ended in a hail of bullets fired at the car. The six died on the scene. The videos, the stills, the screams were being heard around the country. None of them had seen their 30th birthdays. Their reputations were of killers. As they say: they were known to the police. It appears that there is some kind of gang war going on. The deaths in this manner are unprecedented The police set up an incident room. There is little likelihood that anyone will be charged. In December 2013 four people were killed on the Fox Hill park, no one has been brought to justice some 8 years later. The justice system nor the police inspire confidence in the public. So what will be unleashed is a set of tit for tat killings over the next weeks and months. The rest of us will hunker down. On the scene of the last killings two innocent bystanders including an infant child were shot in the melee. The Minister of National Security Marvin Dames was huffing and puffing about what he is going to do in the press conference the day after but the reality is that all he is, is a bunch of hot air. Nothing will be done and nothing will happen.