Fred Mitchell’s Annual Breakfast With Dr. Franklyn Walkine

From Facebook:
And then there were three. We started off more than thirty years ago . Breakfast with Loftus Roker, Ben Higgins, Fred Mitchell and Frank Walkine. Then there was BJ Nottage. So Loftus has left us, Ben is gone, BJ is with the angels. Then Bruce Braynen joined us. So now it’s Frank, Bruce and Mitchell. Every Xmas morning at 9 a m. Here is to the absent brothers. We remember you every Xmas morning 9 a m. Sometimes ackee and codfish and then boiled fish.
The poet says:
” They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.”
Fred Mitchell MP
Fox Hill
25 December 2024