The Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard finally came out from under the rock where he was hiding and spoke to the issue of the rise in the power at Grand Bahama. The Grand Bahama Power Company has been inflicting a series of blackouts on Grand Bahama in the last month. They have also asked for a 6.3 percent rise in the power rates. They have applied to the Grand Bahama Port Authority which the law says does not have the power to regulate utility costs in The Bahamas. That power resides in the Utilities Regulation Competition Authority (URCA).
The Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) insists that they are and have been tumbling their noses at the government, as they have also been doing with the claim of the government for 357 million dollars owed by the GBPA to the government for services rendered by the latter to the former. Mr. Pintard was reported in the press as saying that he does not support the government’s view that URCA is the regulator He also says the rate should not be increased.
This is Mr. Pintard at his political duplicitous best. He is trying to fool his constituents that he cares for them and their power costs and at the same time trying to please the Grand Bahama Port Authority, hoping one supposes that they will look favourably on his party when it comes to donations. No can do Mr. Pinard: you cannot approbate and reprobate at the same time.
Of course, Mr. Pintard and his party are free to say and do as they like but they will only in continuing this line of argument about the power rates seal their own fate as water boys for the Grand Bahama Port Authority. That cannot be good for their reputation in Grand Bahama and politically in the country.
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