The Heads of the world at COP 28—the family photo
Seventy thousand delegates were registered at the COP 28 in Dubai, a magnificent city that seems out of the pages of the Arabian Nights. The city is built on oil money and although they are also a big financial services and tourism hub, it’s really oil that drives this kingdom of the United Arab Emirates.
COP 28 is the driving UN force behind dealing with the issue of climate change that is shattering the earth and our sustainability. Progress has ben slow. The developed world that caused the damage and loss are not wanting to pay. The U S said outright that they will not pay . There were some pledges almost half a billion to help out but really it’s a drop in the bucket.
The Caribbean Prime Ministers who superintend the region that will suffer disproportionately from climate change are frustrated. They say that all that happens when you come to the COP is the developed countries make ritual noises to cause the smaller countries to go quiet and then after the meeting is over nothing happens.
We shall see this time, with fresh pledges again of new money to cover the issue of loss and damage.
The Bahamas Prime Minister Philip Davis believes like other Caricom leaders that well we have no choice but to be at the table to make the arguments in the hope that something will break. So The Bahamas wages war on climate change. We have our voice. Our voice will be heard.
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