Fred Mitchell, the Chairman of the PLP, spoke to the issues of the lies of the Free National Movement. They are like the thief in the night. What gave rise to the comments of the PLP’s Chairman?
The favourite whipping boy of the FNM is the business of the Prime Minister’s travel. They are intensely jealous it seems of the travel. Most travel in the budget of The Bahamas is not by the Prime Minister but by technical professionals in the public service. Never mind the truth though, they have a good story. The Chair of the FNM Dr. Duane Sands claimed that people in the country were suffering and had no food because the Prime Minister was living high on the hog by his travel.
The day that note appeared, the Chairman of the PLP reminded Dr. Sands that he was born a with a silver foot in his mouth. He never had to worry about clothes on his back, food on the table or the box not arriving on the mailboat day. He always had. That meant that he was not in any position to lecture Brave Davis about caring for the poor.
What was the FNM’s response? The next day after the Chairman spoke, the FNM put out a picture taken at a private party marking the successful conclusion of financing for a project at which the Chairman stayed for maybe 30 minutes. He does not drink alcohol, nor does he eat read meat. He did not stay for the dinner. But according to the FNM propaganda piece the bill came to 85 thousand dollars and change.
The FNM has to resort to lies in order to get people to vote for them,
That’s the point. They wouldn’t know the truth if it stared them in the face. Dr. Sands, Michael Pintard et al are condemned for their lies.
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