Operation Opbat is now at risk. This is the anti-drug programme that has existed since the days of Loftus Roker as Minister of National Security. This must necessarily be a consequence of the indictment in New York last week where the indictment attacked he programme and indicated that it was being used to facilitate drug trafficking and firearms through The Bahamas to the United States. The Minister for National Security Wayne Munroe said this on radio on Thursday 28 November 2024:
“So for instance, I discovered from defence force officers and marines who served on board a ship rider with the Coast Guard, they are not allowed in the command centre with the radar feeds so if this justifies their lack of trust in us, then that creates a very real problem in being full partners openly in that exercise.”
He also said, “How this will affect how they interact with us would be a matter for their judgment and it is why we have to address it aggressively to demonstrate, as the prime minister says, we intend to hold everyone accountable.”