Commonwealth Bank’s Rapacious Profits
viagra sale healing times;”>Brent Symonette and his brother Craig must be laughing all the way to the bank now that Commonwealth Bank has announced that they made 58 million last year, discount cialis up from 51 million the previous year. This happened in a bad economy with high unemployment. The Bank congratulated itself for doing well said Ian Jennings its head honcho. He was pleased to be able to deliver more money to the shareholders. It comes off as rapacious and unethical and without a conscience. Franklyn Wilson, the head of Arawak Homes, has decried this kind of profit taking. He says that it is being done with the help and assistance of the Government by allowing government workers to borrow themselves into oblivion by taking on too much consumer debt and allowing deductions to Commonwealth Bank. The Symonettes get the money and then they use it to try to defeat the PLP.