Congratulations to Jonquel Joens for winning the WNBA championship in the United States in basketball. One would have thought that this great success from a humble lady born and raised in Eight Mile Rock would be enough for the Bahamian people. Once before though she lamented that the telephone company would not support her because she was lesbian. This time she reportedly showed up with her wife, a female in tow. There was adulation in the public face but sniping on social media about the fact that she was so called flaunting her lesbianism in our faces. It is what it is people. Grow up. An education official said that no such issues arose when Ms. Jones showed up to the schools. But to tell you the double standard. One of the principals of the Grand Bahama Port Authority threw a party for the basketball star and it is a known fact of the cohabitation of the same kind in plain sight in Freeport. No one says anything about that though. Money talks you know and nature’s passport is a great help in times of trouble. All we have to say is well done Ms. Jones. Never mind the noise in the market.