U S President Joe Biden with his son Hunter
The joke is that Hunter Biden, son of the United States President Joe Biden, now convicted of lying on a form to the US authorities to buy a gun, he and convicted felon former President Donald Trump can now compare notes in prison. It’s not quite a good joke but it is enough to make the point that the prosecutor made in the Biden case: no one is above the law.
We don’t think that that statement is quite right. It’s the same statement that the prosecutor in New York used to justify the conviction of Mr. Trump. At one level that would be true but we think that the cases ought to be distinguished.
Mr. Trump was convicted but on the way to his conviction, he was treated with kid gloves. He got special treatment. Had he not been who he was, he would have been in jail at this moment. Instead he still has access to his luxury life in Florida or New York or wherever he chooses. He was even allowed to be interviewed for his pre-sentencing hearing over the phone. Others would not have enjoyed that privilege.
Mr. Biden on the other hand was treated unfairly and harshly because he is the son of the President. The deal that was struck to dismiss the case should not have been rejected by the Judge. The prosecutor and the judge who reviewed the cases were all Republican appointees and Trump sympathizers. So what happened to him is the exact opposite of what happened to Mr. Trump.
The law is an ass sometimes. This is one of those times. The prosecution of Mr. Biden and his conviction was a miscarriage of justice. In Mr. Trump’s case, justice was done.
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