Zayne Lightbourne, the MP for Yamacraw, was calling out the absolute gormless tomfoolery in the House of Assembly by the FNM members of the House on Wednesday past, debating a bill to regulate veterinarians in The Bahamas. They hardly talked about veterinarians at all. Something that should have taken half a morning to debate was more often deflected by silliness and empty arguments on crime, the economy and who said what to whom. You’ve never seen such idle deflection in the House of Assembly by an opposition party.
It’s sad to say and it was petty and foolish. This is becoming, of course, the legacy and mark of the hopeless and hapless Leader of the Opposition, Michael Pintard, who does not have a clue on where he’s going, what to say, where he’s taking his party. He is just lost in space. Everything with him is a matter of drama and tricksters, a play in 5 acts, either ending in a tragedy or a comedy.
That’s the legacy of Michael Pintard. It is most unfortunate that his deputy followed suit with what Zayne Lightbourne described as interruptions on matters that were not points of order. Those were simply idle attempts to get their own contrary opinions on the record. It was simply ridiculous and the time of the House was completely wasted on Wednesday 2 October 2024.
In the course of the debate, they told several falsehoods: that the economy was a growing by 14% when they left office. That is false. That they have a better record on fighting crime. That is false. That they have more sympathy for unions. That is false. That the FNM is more supportive of women. That too is patently false. That the FNM is more supportive of the police. That too is false.
The FNM leadership has adopted the simple maxim: in all of these things keep telling a lie over and over and eventually the public will accept it as the truth.
Well here’s what the PLP’s response should be. Every time the FNM opens their mouth with these lies, they should answer it and call it for what it is: lies and falsehoods.
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