Photo of The WeekCONFUSION INDEED: the facsimile of the National Review page of the Nassau Guardian. The Guardian even had an editorial on the same issue last week. The Tribune had its own version. The Government when it talks says that its doing a great job. Well we think not. But then again Prime Minister Hubert Minnis is a genius and we are all fools. Our photo of the week of the National Review of The Nassau Guardian describing on Wednesday 23rd October 2019, the decision to change command at the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in mid hurricane relief as a wave of confusion.

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Comment of the week


04/28/24 10:24 AM

On the 24 April 2024, the Grand Bahama Port Authority issued a press statement in which it said it was responding to what they called the public noise about the lack of attention to Freeport by the Grand Bahama Port Authority.  The statement was strange, insulting as usual, and certainly inaccurate in all material particulars

They claimed that recent investments including the Carnival Cruise Port, the expansion of the shipyard, the RCL Cruise Port expansion, and the Doctors Hospital investment are all due to them.  Not so.  It is a lie from the pits of hell.  They had nothing to do with them, except to collect money from the investors and retard progress.

We wondered why the statement was issued.  It turns out that the statement was issued to greet the lawyers for the Government, led by Attorney General Ryan Pinder who went to Freeport, the same day as the press release, for the first of what is expected to be a series of meetings to concretize the formal demand for the Port to pay the government the 357 million dollars that have been demanded.

Someone needs to put the Port’s shareholders in their places and bring them to their senses.  We have said in this column that they ought to remember that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  That which was given to them in 1955 can by legislative fiat be taken away.

The Government of The Bahamas has clearly said that this is something that they do not want to do.  But we say to the Government that this is something that you ought to threaten to do if these people do not come to their senses and stop talking ass.

Number of hits for the week ending Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 408,265;

Number of hits for the month of April up to Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 1,886,123;

Number of hits for the year 2024 up to Saturday 27 April 2024 up to midnight: 7,280,626;





04/28/24 10:20 AM

The past week as has been the past seven years been interesting as we watched American politics and Donald Trump shredding the credibility and legitimacy of the United States of America.  Following Barak Obama who was the President America wants to be, came Donald Trump, the America that is:  the racism, homophobia, and misogyny.  The ‘don’t care’ attitude, the flouting of rules and laws where power is the only fact that counts.  But the observation we make is that many people assume that with richness and wealth and money comes intelligence.  That clearly is not the case because, with Donald Trump and his performance in the Courts of America last week, we are now certain that you can be rich and stupid at the same time.



04/28/24 10:16 AM

He has been at it for over a generation.  He is perhaps the last man standing. His friend, benefactor, and former MP and Regatta Minister Geroge Smith passed away last year. He wasn’t there at the start but he worked with the founders.  Now he has announced that this is his last year.  He was Commodore of the Family Island National Regatta at Georgetown last year, having served for a generation.  His name is Danny Strachan.  This year he is Commodore Emeritus and a successor has been put in place for the substantive position. We hope that this is a case of not every goodbye meaning gone.  He is a national asset having accomplished a status for the regatta in Exuma, unlike any other in the country, and having transformed the venue into the professionally organized venue that we see today in Georgetown.  Congratulations to Mr. Strachan for a job well done.



04/28/24 10:08 AM

Jamaica’s right-wing Government has agreed to recognize Palestine as a state in the face of the slaughter of Palestinians by the state of Israel, as a sign of solidarity with the people of that country.  Only Trinidad and Tobago and The Bahamas of the Caricom group are holding out on making that stand of solidarity.  The Bahamas needs to act and recognize Palestine as a state.



04/28/24 10:05 AM

Fifty-four miles of roads are the subject of an agreement between the Bahamas Striping Group of Companies and the Bahamas Government.  There is more to come because those are just the roads in the west of Georgetown.  There is Georgetown, the capital and its environs plus some Bahama Sound side roads and the whole of East Exuma to be done, in brand new hot mix which should last for twenty years.  Then there is a need for a sidewalk that would allow people to walk from Williams Town to Rolleville without taking their lives in their hands from speeding cars.   The Chairman of the PLP Fred Mitchell visited Barraterre where the present paving is going on.  He was around when the first road was pushed through to Barraterre by the Hon George Smith, then MP for Exuma, replacing the ferry which you used to have to catch to go over to Barraterre from the Rolleville settlement.  Progress.



04/28/24 10:00 AM

Sports Minister Mario Bowleg addressed the House of Assembly on Wednesday 24 April 2024 on the Auditor General’s report on the Jubilee Games and Carifta Games of last year.  The Auditor General, the week before, had laid a report which indicated that there were substantial problems with the financial management of the games.  The report indicated that there was a significant overspending and a deficit as a result of the overspending.  The Minister refuted both claims and laid a report which indicated that there was in fact a surplus.  The problem was that the outgoing Permanent Secretary of the Ministry who is an FNM supporter did not answer the Auditor General’s queries before his report was published.



04/28/24 9:57 AM

Last week two events came together which show that the Bahamas Government is as serious on the domestic stage about the environment as they are on the international stage. On Wednesday 14 April 2024, the Minister for the Environment Vaughn Miller and his Minister of State Zane Lightbourne visited the Fox Hill Constituency, to begin with, Urban Renewal the process of moving derelict cars from around the neighbourhood.  Then in the House of Assembly, the Minister moved an amendment to the Environment Act to cause fixed penalty notices to be usable to fine people for environmental crimes.  This is long overdue as the system of using a summons to get people to court who create environmental nuisances has not been working.  The Fox Hill neighbourhood is littered with roadside garages, and the MP has been trying to get them removed to no avail; now, with the possibility of thousands of dollars in fines when you get a ticket, this may help to move the recalcitrant roadside garage owners along.


Letters to the editor


In passing


04/28/24 10:14 AM

American campuses were being inundated in some major cities at the elite levels with demonstrations over the past week in support of the Palestinian cause.  The University presidents because of pressure from the right-wing lobby of the United States have been trying to shut down the protests and there have been mass arrests.  It is almost like the year 1968 and the protests against the Vietnam War in America.  It is good that university students are standing up for something more than making money.  We applaud them and it appears that there is hope that America still has a residue of moral conscience.



04/28/24 9:53 AM

The Free National Movement’s Chairman Dr. Duane Sands announced on Thursday 25 April 2024 that his party will hold a one-day convention on 1 June 2025.  The question of the day will be who will merge to be the leader of the Free National Movement and then the Leader of the Opposition.  The PLP has no dog in the hunt. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.  Both must and will be defeated when the next general election comes around.  However, the bets are on that Dr, Minnis would be an easier person to defeat than Michael Pintard.  Dr. Minnis comes with a lot of baggage, particularly his cruelty during the time he was Prime Minister.  Mr. Pintard is thought to be mercurial and unpredictable but energetic.  But as we say: matters not. The forces close to former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham say that Dr, Minnis is damned if he does run and dammed if he doesn’t run.  In the former case, he will be easy pickings for the PLP.  In the latter’s case, he is finished politically because Mr. Pintard is not going to give him his nomination back.  Too bad, too sad. They also scoff at the notion that Mr, Ingraham has collected 1 million dollars for Dr. Minnis to fight his campaign.


Regatta 2024 Georgetown, Exuma

04/28/24 9:50 AM

Fred Mitchell bids Governor General Cynthia Pratt farewell as she takes her leave of Exuma and the Regatta 25 April 2024 at the Georgetown International Airport. Photo by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF

Fred Mitchell with Chester Cooper MP

Fred Mitchell with Picewell Forbes, Broadcasting Corporation Chair

Fred Mitchell with Henry Dummit III

Fred Mitchell with the Prime Minister

Fred Mitchell with former Prime Ministers Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham

Prime Minister mixing with the crowd


Fox Hill PLP To Meet Monday 29 April 2024

04/28/24 9:44 AM

Prime Minister Meets Harvard Entrant Pablo Smith Of Exuma

04/28/24 9:41 AM

Prime Minister Philip Davis, Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell, and Health Minister Dr Michael Darville meet Pablo Smith head boy at the L N Coakley School in Moss Town, Exuma, who was accepted into Harvard College, Harvard University for the Class of 2028 in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he wants to study microbiology. The Prime Minister and the Ministers met his parents Mr. Randy and Mrs. Ivannia Smith and his little brother and posed with the family in Georgetown, Exuma 26 April 2024. Congratulations. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF


Visit of the Governor of Hunan province in the People’s Republic of China

04/28/24 9:07 AM

Fred Mitchell with the Prime Minister Philip Davis greeting Mao Weiming, the Governor of Hunan province in the People’s Republic of China, at Rosewood in Nassau, during the official visit to The Bahamas with Cabinet colleagues and Mrs Davis with Wei Cuo, Chargè of the Chinese Embassy. 24 April 2023 Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF


PLP Women’s Branch tea at the gardens

04/28/24 9:05 AM

PLP Chair Fred Mitchell at the PLP Women’s Branch tea at the gardens of the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation at Easthill St in Nassau with the wife of the Prime Minister 21 April 2024. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF


Fred Mitchell visits Osmond Roach’s grave in Barraterre, Exuma

04/28/24 9:01 AM

From Fred Mitchell’s Minute By Minute Facebook page:

I visited my friend Osmond Roach’s grave in Barraterre, Exuma. May he rest in peace. I’m pleased at the roadwork by the Bahamas Striping Group of Companies in Barraterre and then I went to Rolleville to meet Elvis Rolle and visit his dad’s house that of the late Kermit Rolle. 27 April 2024. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF

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